Your promise to us

(AKA - Terms and Conditions)

Marketing and social media promotion

Please avoid creating your own events on social media as we are unable to monitor likely attendance levels. Instead, we ask that you share our posts and event posts.

Unloading and parking on Market Day

The parking bays on the High Street are free to use all day. Please be considerate of other stallholders and as soon as you have unloaded you MUST move your vehicle to one of the public car parks in the area.

Please also consider other road users, do not block pavements by parking on them while unloading. The continuation of the market is reliant on the goodwill of the Council. Blocking pavements, even while unloading, causes complaints to be made.

The easiest place to park after unloading will be in the public car park which is located behind the High Street. The best address to use for this car park is 108 High St, Hemel Hempstead HP1 3AQ. You will need to pay for parking here, but it is very cheap, less than £2 for 10 hours.

Please do not block vehicles parked here, they belong to the local residents.

We have received numerous complaints regarding stallholders blocking residents cars, it is not fair to our neighbours to restrict their freedom to come and go as they please.

Please be respectful.

Pitch allocation
Our stalls are carefully allocated in advance and we will not be able to move you on the day. You MUST NOT change your pitch location without clearing it with an organiser first. If this does happen, we will ask you to move back to your allocated spot. in the past, our carefully designed allocation plan was disrupted by stallholders setting up wherever they felt was best for them. This severely impacted several other stallholders; this practice will not be allowed to continue.
We will always do our best to ensure that you get maximum footfall in your location and advertise the market areas heavily on social media. We also put up plenty of signage to direct market visitors to your location.

You must not dismantle your stall before 3pm. If you sell out (and we genuinely hope you do!) you are welcome to pack away items but your table must remain in place until 3pm. We insist on this for several reasons. Leaving early means that gaps are left between pitches and the market customers are discouraged from visiting all market areas. There is also a health and safety implication to carrying bulky items and boxes through a busy market ground.

You must take your rubbish home with you. We keep our pitch fees low by relying on you to tidy your own space before leaving. If the amount of rubbish continues to increase, we will need to look at paying for professional rubbish removal services which means a substantial increase in pitch fees for everyone. If the bins in the churchyard are over-flowing, please do not try and force more rubbish in on top.


Please note that booking and paying for a pitch and submitting an application form indicates agreement and compliance with the following, please read the following carefully. Our aim is to provide a ‘local’ shopping experience that will drive foot-fall to The Old Town.

If the market is cancelled due to Government guidelines, stall holders will be offered a full refund of their pitch fee or the opportunity to move their booking to the next available market date.


Any stall holder selling alcohol in any form (whether for immediate consumption or to take away) is required to have a licence, a copy of which must be provided at the time of booking.

Bad weather

We will run the market in any weather unless it is deemed to present a danger to stall holders and the public. If the organisers are forced to close the market under these circumstances, a full refund will be given to stallholders.

Cancellation and refusal by the organisers to allow trading

4 weeks and over - full refund

3 to 4 weeks - 50%

2 to 3 weeks - 25%

Less than 2 weeks prior to the market, refusal of the organisers to allow a stallholder to trade on the day due to non-compliance with our terms and conditions, overloading of the electric supply due to stallholders equipment (failure, poor condition, incorrect convertor, non-weather-proof plugs and/or cables, un-PAT tested or non-compliance to related T’s&C’s) or ‘no show’ on the day - No refund

Short notice cancellations due to Covid or illness are subject to the same conditions as outlined above. We will do our best to re-sell your pitch and if we are successful, we will refund all or part of your pitch fee.

Church Hall

The use of the kitchen in the hall is not permitted. Any stallholder found to be using the kitchen will be charged an additional fee in line with the charge we receive from the hirers of the hall.

Clean Up

Stallholders to remove all rubbish, unsold produce and leave the market grounds clean and tidy 

Community partners, local businesses and Charities

We offer a limited amount of pitches inside St Mary’s Church for community partners, charities and businesses with premises on the Old Town High Street. Pitches are available at a reduced rate. Pitch fees taken for stalls inside the Church are donated back to St Mary’s Church. Table top pitches are offered which range in size from 7ft long to 5ft long and these are allocated according to the organisers decision on placement. Traders in this area are subject to the same Terms and Conditions as for market stall holders, including the cancellation terms. Access to the Church is not permitted prior to 10:45am. Trading begins at 11:30am and closes at 3pm.


We are running a market and inherent in this is the principle of customer choice. This means competition and change if the market is to stay fresh. We reserve the right to have more than one stall selling similar products. In addition, we reserve the right to take bookings from stalls selling similar or the same items as the local shops.

Electrical Power

Electricity can sometimes be provided by prior arrangement but it is limited, and only available to stall holders on St Mary’s Square. A converter will be required. The electricity supply is checked prior to market day but it is not guaranteed. If the supply fails due to overloading, no refunds will be given. Traders MUST indicate all appliances they intend to run on the booking form. If traders use more appliances than have been agreed and subsequently overload the system, they may be charged if an electrician is required to undertake remedial work to resolve any damage caused. Appliances and cables should be PAT tested regularly to ensure they are safe to use.

You MUST provide adequate safety covers to make sure your cables do not present a trip hazard. These are either rubber cable covers or tape.

You MUST use a power converter (16A plug to 13A socket). This must be supplied by you.

You are only permitted to use extension leads which are approved for outdoor use.

Electricity points will be made available no later than 10am on market day.

Food Business

All food stallholders will need to be registered as a Food Business with the local authority and must supply the relevant certification. Allergen information must be visible and clear.

Food Hygiene Certificate

All processed/prepared food sellers will need a Food Hygiene Certificate, a copy of which must be provided when booking.


We do not guarantee footfall on market day. It is in our interest to promote the dates of the market heavily to create a regular flow of customers to stallholder locations and we do this through various channels, both paid for and free. Each market area is chosen for its visibility and no one area is better or worse for footfall. We place signage to drive customers to each location and have regular announcements by the DJ highlighting each area. We work hard to ensure each market area has a healthy mix of stalls selling different products to ensure each stallholder has the maximum opportunity for high takings on the day. Our market is mainly held outside however and poor weather can have a detrimental effect on footfall.


Any trader using gas in order to prepare hot food must be using LPG (Low Pressure Gas) gas and must have a regulator between the gas canister and the outlet.

Your public liability insurance must cover you for the use of your chosen fuel source.

We will check that you are adhering to these specifications on event day and if we aren’t satisfied, we may not allow you to trade. Under these circumstances, we do not issue refunds.


Gazebos must be well weighted and weights must be used on each leg. The weights used must equal at least 60kg for a 4 legged gazebo. We recommend and allow the use of ground screws and guy ropes but these must run vertically down the gazebo legs and must not be placed at an angle so as to cause a trip hazard. On hardstanding pitches, you may anchor your gazebo to immovable objects with the agreement of the market organisers.

Gazebos MUST be weighted BEFORE stall set up. If, on inspection, your gazebo is deemed to be incorrectly weighted, you will not be allowed to trade and no refunds are given under these circumstances.


Stall holders are required to have public liability and product insurance. 


The stallholder is responsible for complying with all laws and regulations regarding the production, preparation, labelling, display, storage and sale of goods. This includes ensuring that all game licences are current.   

Minimum age

Stall holders must be over 16 years to run a stall.

On arrival

Upon arrival please find a member of our team (who will be in Hi-Vis jackets) who will direct you to your allocated pitch. Once allocated we are unable to change pitch positions except in exceptional circumstances.

Pitch sizes

In the grounds of the Church - Pitches can accommodate a 3mx3m gazebo. Traders supply their own gazebo, tables, stands and chairs.

Inside the Church Hall - Pitches are strictly 6ft wide (max) by 4ft deep. No stands or rails may be placed to the side or front of the allocated space without prior arrangement. Tables and chairs are supplied.

On St Mary’s Square - Pitches can accommodate a 3mx3m gazebo or a vehicle which is no longer than 3m and no wider than 3m. Traders supply their own gazebo, tables, stands and chairs.

Under the arches - Pitches are strictly 6ft wide by 4ft deep. No stands or rails may be placed to the side or front of the allocated space without prior arrangement. Traders supply their own tables and chairs.


Food must be marked and priced according to legal requirements. Contact your local Trading Standards Office for more information.   

We strongly suggest you price your items, experience has shown us that customers are more likely to buy if the prices are clearly marked.

Setting Up and Taking Down

The stallholders should cooperate with the market organisers to avoid congestion and maintain safety. ALL VEHICLES MUST BE MOVED TO THE PUBLIC CAR PARK AFTER UNLOADING. Stalls must be set up and ready for inspection 15 minutes before the market opens for business. Late arrivals may not be allowed to trade and no refund will be given under these circumstances. Stalls must not be broken down and removed until the market closes. If these terms are not adhered to, the organisers reserve the right to cancel future bookings with no guarantee of refund.

Shared pitches

In general we do not allow shared pitches. Each trader must book a dedicated pitch, submit a booking form and pay the appropriate pitch fee. If a stallholder offers table space to another business to share, the organisers MUST be informed. If the organisers are not aware that a shared pitch arrangement has been made, they reserve the right to insist the second stallholder does not trade.

Social media

We offer stallholder highlight posts on our social media channels. It is not guaranteed that we will post your text and images.

Stall Location

No stallholder is allocated a permanent spot; location will be determined by the market organisers.  Stalls are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Stall holders are welcome to request a specific location but it is not guaranteed that requests will be granted.


  • Hand sanitiser should be used by stall holders, and provided on the stall for use by customers.

  • Customers should be requested not to handle goods unless they are purchasing them.

  • Stall holders must comply with current Government rulings on social distancing and mask wearing

  • Queues must be managed appropriately in line with social distancing rules

  • Stall holders selling food must wear appropriate gloves when handling food and should not hand out samples if there is a risk of cross contamination

  • Payment methods should be non contact wherever possible

We are a learning organisation and the organisers reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.