What our customers are saying about us

“I did my first ever market today with you guys and absolutely loved it! Thanks for a great market today!”

— Hayley - By Hayley

“Just wanted to say thanks for a lovely first time being a stallholder at Hemel Old Town Market all the other stallholders were lovely and it was such a great day - weather, people etc. I haven't rebooked yet as I have a few other fairs/markets booked this year but I will be back in touch in the future so thanks again”

— Freddie - Good Knots Only

“I very much enjoyed the market on Sunday 7th, great vibe. Thank you to all the organisers, it was very efficient and the trolley was a godsend. There was a great mix of stalls and everyone was very friendly”

— Pauline Smith - Needle and Pin

“Looking at the website and all the information on there, we think it is one of the best organised events of its kind. You must all work your socks off!”

— Kathryn - GELF Studios

“Having traded at your event for the first time yesterday I just wanted to say thank you to you all for putting on such a fantastic event!  Great work!! I really enjoyed working yesterday, there was a cracking atmosphere, everybody was really pleasant and my trade was very good too! ”

— John - Gifts with Presence

“Both Tracey & I were very impressed with the organisation of the whole event. Thank you for making us feel so welcome and we look forward in joining you again next month.  ”

— Tony - Hops and Apples

“Always gonna support and always want to be involved, whatever the weather and whatever the turn out! Thanks all, epic again and your hard graft makes it so great to trade. Just to say again, thank you so much for today, it really was awesome ”

— Matt - Beats and Beigels