St Mary’s Church Hall

All the information you need for setting up your pitch in St Mary’s Church Hall

Please read the information below very carefully.

Your allocated pitch
We are pleased to confirm that we will supply tables and chairs in the Church Hall. You can arrive to begin setting up from 9:30.

Your table will be set up and ready for you on the morning and you don't need to supply your own. We place labels on the tables so you are welcome to find your own pitch.

It goes without saying that the space in this area is limited and we are very strict about stall holders staying within their allocated 6ft pitches. This means any stands you bring to display your products must fit on the table top. We will not allow stands to be placed in front of your tables as these can be a trip hazard. You can use clothes rails but your table will need to be removed as there is no space to have both within your pitch area. Please let us know if you intend to bring clothes rails so we can set up your allocated space correctly.

There is no room to place stands next to your table as, in order to fit everyone in, the tables will almost touch each other when they're in place.

Please do not drag boxes or furniture across the floor in the hall, the Church have recently had the floor refurbished and we need to make sure we look after the space.

The toilets in the Hall will be open for you to use. Please DO NOT use the kitchen. We have not hired this space and we will need to pass on any charges we incur from using the kitchen without authorisation.

Parking and unloading
The best place to park for unloading is in one of the bays close to the entrance to the Old Town High Street. Try and find a space close to Hive Coffee Shop, The White Hart Pub or The Tea Tree.

Pedestrian access is through the arch next to Lucky K Tattooing.

You are not able to use the Church Hall car park as it is used by Churchgoers. You will need to park in the bays on the road. You will be asked to move if you do park in the Church Hall car park.

We rely heavily on the goodwill of St Mary's Church who allow us to use their grounds to host the market. We ask that our stall holders help us continue this strong relationship by being mindful and respectful of the limited parking areas.

Wifi and music

There is no public wifi network in the Hall, you will need to rely on your phone data to operate any payment terminals.

We don’t play music in the Hall. If you wish to bring a radio this is ok. Please choose a radio station which plays family friendly music. If you intend to play music using a steaming service, please ensure you hold an appropriate music licence.